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Foto do escritor: Vinícius CalheirosVinícius Calheiros

Atualizado: 12 de set. de 2018

Welcome to my humble abode, for the celebration of the 1st Lara’s Diary year. Feel free to get to know a bit more about me, my project or about the memories of a couple of fans about the Tomb Raider Legacy.

My name is Vinícius Calheiros, I’m known on the community as Viny Calheiros and I’m the Lara’s Diary idealizer. The Tomb Raider saga has a great role in my life, being on it since I was little. I met Lara Croft through my father in 2005, when I was 6. He played Tomb Raider III Adventures of Lara Croft and this time was really remarkable for me. Sure, knowing my age you must have realized I didn’t comprehended really well what the game was about, nor understood Lara’s depth as a character and her pioneering as a female personality in the world of games.

Some years have passed, I only knew the first Tomb Raider four titles and the movies stared by Angelina Jolie. It was in 2010 that a friend won a game of that character I loved as a child, and he wanted to show me. I got really happy, because I didn’t heard from Lara Croft for too long. I thought it was a classic game, but then Tomb Raider Underworld came and my passion reached a level that only grows day after day. After, I discovered one of my greatest passions: Legend. I bought my first physical copy of The Angel of Darkness, although I was still too immature to understand the depth of the games. I admit that until 2014 I had never done 100% of a Tomb Raider game. Then I decided to replay all of them – including, play some titles for the first time. On that same year I met a couple of friends that made part of an official Tomb Raider fansite’s group on a message app. I ended up involving more and more with the saga.

Ever since, I started to long to have my own fansite, to share differentiated contents among the community, experiences among fans and be able to learn a lot with them. Unfortunately I was only 15 at the time. Too immature and facing the high school, so it definitely wasn’t a good time to start my project. That being said, I had to wait a few more years.

Finally, in 2017 – already in university and at the age of 18 – I decided to realize one of my dreams: participate actively on the Tomb Raider Community. Through a great friendship consolidated, I had a huge support of the idealizer of Croft Manor Brasil: Valkyria Araujo (Lobster Croft). Since then, I discovered myself as a writer and together we blowed our mind behind our humble fansite – generating articles, translations and exclusive contents – bringing the best experience a fansite can offer. Last but not least, Thiago Henrique (Th Croft), another great friend and part of the CMBR team, also welcomed me with open arms.

Way more than a simple Twitter account: it’s the official fansite (OFP) Croft Manor Brasil’s international platform. Came with the intention of share experiences, develop health discussions and come up with memories about Lara Croft and the Tomb Raider legacy. Aims to disseminate RESPECT and KINDNESS in order to UNITE the Tomb Raider community.

We live in such a time that people – and I’m not only referring to the TR community participants – hide behind the screens and take advantage of the “freedom of speech” right when actually – and many times – they disseminate acts of hatred. It’s really common to find people like that when working with opinion. If talking about TR, they seem to be stuck in time, completely inflexible and disrespectful, believing their truth is The only one. Unfortunately, even though the best intentions, Lara’s Diary / CMBR already suffered quite a few free rage attacks, just like tons of other OFP folks. The dialog is one of our main center of attention as a project, but we believe respect must be reciprocal. Therefore, when there’s no respect, there’s no dialog.

Lara’s Diary is a work from fan for fan, for people who like to express themselves – respectfully. And one of my manners to express myself is through the art. You may have already seen some of my art works about any Tomb Raider moment that left a mark on me. In case you don’t, I’d be honored to have you looking at my gallery at:

Finally, the moment I’ve been most waiting for: put in practice my project of uniting the community. Recently I asked some of my great followers to share some of their memories about our lovely franchise. “But why are you requesting this?”, you may be asking yourself. The thing is I believe “Diary” refers to memories. Each person has their own, individually specials. That being said, I believed that would be a good way to celebrate the first year of Lara’s Diary!

Here are some of the memories of a couple of friends I made over time among the Tomb Raider fandom:

Name: Stella(Stellalune) / Country: USA 

How did you meet Lara Croft / Tomb Raider?

“I first met Lara when my husband's friend gave him a copy of TR1 around Christmas of 1996. My husband got stuck at the timed run across the fire pillars in Palace Midas. He must have tried 100 times before he finally rage quit and threw the game away. I literally pulled the CD out of the trash and decided to give it a try. Naturally, I started in the training level - because I'm a sensible

person- and I've been adventuring with Lara ever since”.

What's your favorite Tomb Raider?

“The original 1996 game is still my favorite. I don't know if it's because it was my first, but it has a special place for me. Natla is the best game villain, and the levels are still as beautiful and fascinating as they were 20 years ago.”

Which Lara Croft defines your personality the most?

I'm probably more like reboot Lara than any of the others. I hope that means I will soon become the Tomb Raider I was meant to be! ;)”.

How did Tomb Raider changed your life?

“TR changed my life in many ways. It's been a passion as well as a source of income for me since the late '90s, but more importantly, it has broadened my circle to include wonderful people from all around the world. I've met some of my best friends online through this fandom”.

Optional - What do you do, or would you like to do to keep the Tomb Raider community united?

“ Lately I've grown very tired of all the conflict in the community. Most fans are lovely people who gladly embrace others with differing opinions, but as in any fandom, there will always be people who can't play nice with others and have to find something to argue about. For the most part, I try to ignore them and focus on the things that bring us together. I always try to share other fans' projects and make connections when I think people would benefit from knowing each other.

I also organize a team of Tomb Raider fans each year for Extra Life, a gaming marathon to raise money for children's hospitals. This a great opportunity for fans to come together for a good cause. We play and stream games, give away lots of cool prizes, and try to focus on the positive aspects of the fandom. If anyone reading this wants to join our efforts, we welcome new players. You can sign up at”.

Name: Ariane (Rhenia) / Age: 22 / Country: Germany

How did you meet Lara Croft / Tomb Raider?

“I watched my dad playing the demo version of Tomb Raider Legend when I was 10 years old”.

What's your favorite Tomb Raider?

“I can’t pick only one. My top 3: Tomb Raider II, Tomb Raider Legend and Tomb Raider (2013)”.

Which Lara Croft defines your personality the most?

“I would say a mix between Rise Lara and Alicia Vikander’s Lara from the movie”.

How did Tomb Raider changed your life?

“Lara will always be my role model. I learned a lot from her. She has always giving me strength and courage especially in difficult situations.

Optional: I think being respectful to each other and understanding everyone’s opinion is a good start :)”.


Name: Eliana Karampatsou/ Age:19/ Country: Greece

How did you meet Lara Croft / Tomb Raider?

I believe my parents introduced me to Lara when I was 5 or 6 years old, it was TR1 on the original PlayStation”.

What's your favorite Tomb Raider?

“That’s a hard question since I love both TR3 and legend”.

Which Lara Croft defines your personality the most?

“It’s probably the TR Chronicles Lara, she always laughs when she’s in a situation that could potentially be dangerous and her recklessness is just me”.

How did Tomb Raider changed your life?

“Lara has showed me life from a different perspective, she has taught me so many lessons throughout my life and even though she’s not an actual person they’ve made her personality to were many people can relate to her and I really like that about her”.

Jaden (Positively TombRaider) / Age: 23 / Country: England.

How did you meet Lara Croft / Tomb Raider?

“ I was introduced to Tomb Raider back in the late 90s when my parents bought the games for my sister as a birthday gift. I was pretty ice at that point so I was still of an age where any new thing that came into the house, I had to investigate it. I instantly fell in ice with the character on the cover, this British woman with similar long ice hair to me, and seeing someone like me on the cover really had an impact. I initially played the games with my sister but soon began checking them out on my own”.

What's your favorite Tomb Raider?

“Picking my favourite Tomb Raider game is tricky! After all these years I would still have to say Tomb Raider III. It was the first game in the series that I had played and it’s ice a lot of fun”.

Which Lara Croft defines your personality the most?

“It’s hard to pick which Lara Croft denies my personality the most. I’m kind of in the middle of both the classic and reboot versions. I have quite a stubborn quality which is comparable to the original Lara, but I’m also incredibly clumsy. J A little while ago I managed to break three ice when a bookcase dropped on my foot and I got so bored of staying still and resting. I feel a little of both”.

How did Tomb Raider changed your life?

“Tomb Raider ic introduced me to new friends and new opportunities. It was massively influential when I was a kid and I aspired to be like Lara. Turns out that adult-me is nothing like Lara but when things get tricky, it’s still ice to aspire to be like her again”.

Name: Emily-JaneDemner/ Country:England

How did you meet Lara Croft / Tomb Raider?

“I first saw my Dad playing TRA (Anniversary) and I feel in love with the games!”.

What's your favorite Tomb Raider?

“Tomb Raider AOD is my top 1 first game I ever played!”

Which Lara Croft defines your personality the most?

“I’d say AOD because she’s cold and dark and that’s basically me”.

How did Tomb Raider changed your life?

“Tomb Raider has changed my life because it’s opened up so many doors for me! Events, website and social media meeting other fans from all over the world and becoming one big TR family!”.

Optional - What do you do, or would you like to do to keep the Tomb Raider community united?

“To keep the community together I would love a meet up there fans on social media have their own booths and we can all meet in Person and talk about Lara all the time”.

Name: Valkyria(Lobster Croft) / Age: 19 years / Country: Brazil.

How did you meet Lara Croft / Tomb Raider?

“My parents didn't allow me to play anything but the Mario games for SuperNintendo until I was around 8 years. After I convinced them to buy me a console (PS2) I met Lara Croft in a street market, where I saw Legend selling. So I begged my dad to buy it for me and I fell in love for LC”.

What's your favorite Tomb Raider?

“Don't have a specific favorite one. But I bet I'd take Legend because of our story. At the same time and despite everything, I love playing Underworld.”

Which Lara Croft defines your personality the most?

“That's a funny thing, because I basically have nothing in common with any Lara version. But the two things I learned from all the Lara versions is: to be a strong gal and go until the end for my goals”.

How did Tomb Raider changed your life?

“I learned A LOT of what I know of English with Tomb Raider! Also, being part of the Croft Manor Brasil team made possible for me to meet tons of incredible fans of all around the globe and make a lot of great friends. Don't know what the future awaits, but Tomb Raider will - definitely - always be a page of my life!”.

Optional - What do you do, or would you like to do to keep the Tomb Raider community united?

“I'd like to be able to stop those stupid Classic x Reboot fights. Such as Old x New fans. We're a community as a hole. Nobody is better than anyone. No Lara is worse than another. Everytime I'm able to, I write articles in CMBR that reinforces this point. I hope our great community can see it anytime... Less war, more Tomb Raider among friends!”

Name: Vinícius (VinyCalheiros) / Age: 19 years / Country: Brazil.

How did you meet Lara Croft / Tomb Raider?

“I already told you everything about how I met Lara Croft in (MAKING THE DIFFERENCE)”.

What's your favorite Tomb Raider?

“Tomb Raider 3, Legend and Tomb Raider (reboot).These games marked me in different times of my life, defining my personality and the things I believe in”.

Which Lara Croft defines your personality the most?

“I believe I’m more like the most recent version of Lara Croft, where we see her making mistakes, being resilient and carrying in her mind she can “make the difference”. I believe I also carry a bit of a sarcastic humor, like her in TRL; and in my highest moments, a debauchery touch like the classic Lara like in AOD. Lol”.

How did Tomb Raider changed your life?

“Tomb Raider and Lara Croft acts in my life in different manners. I take for my life Lara’s willpower, resilience and audacity, such as her ill to discover the world, make the difference. Besides, I made a lot of friends in the TR community, sharing the same passion with them, and it’s awesome to make part of it.”

Optional - What do you do, or would you like to do to keep the Tomb Raider community united?

“ I also mentioned previously in (ABOUT LARA’S DIARY)” J.


Lara’s Diary is 1 year and Croft Manor Brasil is 3. This is the beginning of a friends’ adventure that we expect to go on for a long time with you. Thanks everyone who

participated of this lovely celebration, it means a lot!

Text: VinyCalheiros

Translation: LobsterCroft


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Criado em 2015, é o fã site oficial de Tomb Raider no Brasil. Tem como objetivo difundir conteúdos de qualidade sobre do universo Tomb Raider. Trazemos conteúdos em primeira mão, bem como sempre buscamos proporcionar a melhor experiência que um fã site pode oferecer.

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